June 10, 2011

A Personal Post

Hhhmmm... are you wondering why you see a happy face and not a card on today's post? I hope you're not disappointed but I wanted to share a bit of what is happening in my neck of the woods these days. I don't usually share lots of personal info here so I hope you don't mind. :)

So that you can understand my sheer JOY as I write this, I must take you back a year or two.... I have been a teacher for the past seven years. I've taught kindergarten, special education at the elementary and middle school level, and preschool. While I have loved my time spent with the kids, developing curriculum, and truly feeling like I am making a difference, the level of stress and hours really began to take a toll on my health a couple of years ago. I was diagnosed with IBS (yuck.... so NOT a fun thing to deal with!) and also struggled with anxiety. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done for the IBS. It sort of feels like that diagnosis you get when they just can't figure out what is wrong. I was soooo sick. E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. Even leaving the house became difficult. But there were a few things that kept me plugging along---my faith, my husband, my parents, my friends, and as silly as it sounds one of those things that kept my head above water was this blog. See, when you just plain don't feel good and your mind won't stop worrying about well, pretty much everything, immersing yourself into something creative, like cardmaking, is GREAT. But what's even GREATER is sharing what you create and feeling this rush of love and sense of community from other crafters.

Honestly, every comment or note I received in my inbox was a happy distraction from the crud that I was facing. It was a smile you gave to me.

Okay, let's fast forward to the EXCITING part. There is a VERY happy ending to this..... To begin, I have been blessed to find some relief from my IBS symptoms. I'm actually finding more and more that it is food allergies/intolerances which possibly magnified from the last few years of constantly functioning at a very high stress level. As those symptoms decrease so does my level of anxiety. AND.... are you ready for this announcement? (or is there anyone still reading?? LOL) Yesterday was my last day of teaching. Yes, my classroom is packed and my keys turned in. My new full-time job will be in the designing/stamping/cardmaking field and spending lots of time at one of my favorite places, Mementos. I can't believe it. Really. Somebody, please pinch me! The doors that have been opened to me are answered prayers. And I'm not just saying that as a common expression. God has heard and answered my prayers. He is so good.

But, you see, my friends, I wanted to share this with you for a couple of reasons. One, I am just so stinkin' excited! :) But secondly, because I want you to know how your support has truly made a difference in my life. You thought you were just signing up to follow a blog, tweeting something nice, or leaving a cute comment on a card, but it is soooo much more than that. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Okay, I sure hope you made it through that LONG post. And hopefully you aren't bored out of your mind or thinking "TMI, Jill, TMI!" I will leave you with a little creation I made quite some time ago. This is actually a painting done mostly with acrylics and Distress Ink--the only stamped image is the butterfly (Penny Black). The entire piece is is 11 in. x 6 1/2 in.
And since this post is a bit sappy, I want to leave you with this verse I hold dear. In fact, I have it on a little plaque next to my computer: (thanks Heather!)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11

See you tomorrow a regular crafty post and with our last beautiful inspiration card from Amy! :)


  1. I'm so very happy for you!! Both for the awesome new job and that you are feeling better! You will be a super duper new addition to their team!

  2. congrats, Jill! I quit my job as well just to have free time for creative work and not to be anxious, cause my ex-job and colleagues made me feel so... anyway, good luck and take care!

  3. Jill, absolutely wonderful news....may you continue to be blessed! Wishing you so much happiness as you take your next steps in your career! Sounds wonderful!

  4. Felt really good to hear that your happy and feeling better now :)
    May god bless and may ur new journey in life be blessed with all the good things !

  5. Hi Jill!

    It was really wonderful reading your story! Sad to read the first part and read about your struggles, but amazing how this all developed into something good! Congrats on your job with Mementos, tht sounds like a dream!!! I hope you will have a wonderful time there and that you will only feel better and better! Blogging is sooo special, it feels amazing sharing your creativity with other ladies from aaaaall around the world and everyone is soooo sweet! I love it and it got a special place in my heart!!!

    All the best to you!
    Hugs from Holland!

  6. YEAH... congrats!!! You deserve it. I am a huge fan and am glad to hear that you got through a tough spot. Enjoy the new job.

  7. What a wonderful, weart-warming, joy-inducing post! Being the worst commenter, I had to jump in and comment this time. Firstly, I'm so very happy for you! You're going to have so much fun, jumping both feet into your passion! Secondly - I'm very glad that your health improved!
    And lastly, holy cow girl, that mixed media piece is AMAZING!!
    Hugs! xxx

  8. Congratulations Jill! I read your blog every day and I really like your style. I am SOOOO happy for you - that the doors have been opened for you to do what you love.. full time! Can't wait to see what happens next! YAY!

  9. Congrats on the new job. Here's to a good future. Having left the education field after almost 20 years of teaching, I really empathize with how difficult a decision that was for you to make. But, sure sounds like a good decision and am praying you can move forward with confidence.

  10. hey Jill,
    Thanks for sharing your story. I am so happy for you....congrats. I think change is good and you must be needed somewhere else to make a difference. I don't have a blog to stay connected but when you featured me here it lifted me up and inspired me to create more. My life gets so busy with all my little ones and I know that I need to make some time for me...to craft. When I don't get time, I miss it.
    You inspire so many with your works of beauty. Looking forward to seeing more.
    blessings and hugs,

  11. Great news, Jill, I'm so happy for you! Glad to hear you've overcome your struggles and can now enjoy the good things that are coming your way :)
    Your little painting is cute! :)

  12. What a beautiful post, Jill! Congrats on your new adventure! So happy for you! Sounds like we share some similar health issues... going to send you an email... HUgs.

  13. So happy for you! I check your blog every day for inspiration - I love to see how you are inspired and create something that shines with your own style. Congratulations and contiuned blessings!

  14. Jill your expressions are as beautiful as your cards. Wishing you health, happiness and joy in all your new adventures.

  15. What a praise to the Lord, Jill! He does hear our prayers, He does answer that deep cry of our heart. Oh He is amazing and I am so rejoicing with you in this happy news. I can relate even more since my first born dd (also a teacher) finished her last year of teaching as well. Yes, it was the stress that did her in.
    I'm praying much success and personal growth (and healing for your body) as you continue to see the Lord's hand in your life. What a dream come true to get to work at what you love!!
    Thank you for sharing,

  16. "Do what you love and you'll never work again". I am so happy for you as you begin this new adventure. I used to teach elementary/special ed. also and left when my son was born. It is a very stressful job, indeed! People often comment that it is so great that you get so much time off, but they don't realize how much work you bring home.
    I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful creations. God bless!

  17. Wow! What an exciting new chapter in your life. I am so pleased for you and wish you all the very best.

  18. So happy and excited for you, Jill!! Well deserved!! Enjoy your new challenges :)

  19. So so so elated for you my friend, but at the same time as jealous as all heck...LOL, may the years ahead be stress free for you...love you, hugs!

  20. I retired from teaching three years ago after 37 years in the elementary school and special ed. I loved my job, but no one understands the stress and unbelievable workload unless you've been there. I have not missed the classroom one day! I'm so glad you're finding relief from IBS, and better yet, an answer to your prayers regarding the job! We're so grateful for your creativity and inspiration here.

  21. Great post Jill! Be well and enjoy the next chapter in your life!

  22. Well done, Jill. May you never look back!

  23. Wow what an awesome post. Not too many people would have shared this.GOD is good and HE does know what is good for us.
    And hopefully you will learn which foods cause you pain and which ones are good!! We have to deal with this everyday as my GD is chemical/dye sensitive and we've had to go 80% natural food source with little or no added perservatives!!!

    Good luck with your next stage of life and while I don't post often I do read every word you post!!

  24. Wow Jill! What great new adventures you have ahead of you. I know others who suffer from IBS.... It is not fun at all! Looking for to hearing all about your new fun!!

  25. Oh, Jill, your post has brought me near tears! I am so happy for you! I, too, work in a school with special education students and it is SO stressful, especially at this time of year. There are days I pray for something else to come along, or to at least feel like I am making some sort of difference because it is SO stressful and hard sometimes! I also find relief spending time in our crafty world...and your blog is one I visit often. I often say I wish I could find a job in this industry but I know it is not likely...honestly I'm happy to have this as an outlet. I wish you the best with your new adventures...I love the verse and agree wholeheartedly. God bless you!

  26. Dear Jill, how sweet for you to open up and post like this, on what is surely a personal subject of your difficulties - but also the joyous news of your new adventures!
    I'll come out here and say it... over he years I too have suffered in that area, due to stress levels and some dietary factors, but let me say that I know your craft focussed job will be a real blessing for you.
    All the best! Hugs, Ruth S

  27. I am so happy that you are happy and that your pain is going away .... enjoy Jill! Best of luck with your new career choice.
    I am glad you are not giving up your art!
    Sandra ltb

  28. Congratulations on your exciting Jill. Being a teacher myself, I know exactly what you mean about stress! I chose to work part-time after my kids were born and that has helped relieved some of the stress thankfully because I LOVE teaching! I hope your new job brings you tranquility, better health and happiness:)

  29. That's such great news, Jill! I am glad that you find out what makes you sick. I went through 2 years of continuously feeling sick and when I finally find out what cause it, it's such a relief. And CONGRATS on your new adventure. So excited for you and can't wait to see your works with Memento.

  30. Congratulations Jill, this is fabulous news for you. Good luck in your new job.

  31. Congratulations on the new job! If you want something really strong, they sooner or later happen. Enjoy the new chapter of life!

  32. Congratulations, Jill! I am happy
    for you that you are able to follow
    your dreams in a way that also means being able to take the best care of yourself! Wishing you much happiness and fulfillment in your
    new adventure!!

  33. Jill--I am so happy for you and the positive turn your life has taken. I, too, was almost done in by a stress-filled job and was so grateful to be able to turn to something that was much more rewarding. I'm glad you also made it out of the morass. You have my congratulations and best wishes.

  34. Congratulations on your health news and your new job! I have learned so much from your blog. Keep up the great work! ;-)

  35. Congratulations! All in God's time, right? ... your IBS is going to get better too. Its so nice when someone like yourself can put themselves "out there" like you just did. Each and everyone of us has a story, its just a matter of whether it gets told or not, and if anyone listens or not. Thanks for what you do!

  36. Wow, what a neat post! I can feel your excitement and am so thrilled for you, Jill! Isn't it amazing how life always seems to work out? I'm not surprised your talent is being rewarded, and how lucky we are to be able to watch it all unfold! Congratulations, sweet girl! Sending love and hugs to you! :)

  37. I totes jealous! Really, I'm super happy for you. Your faith is inspiring. Thanks for sharing. I'll miss seeing you with a caravan of 4 year olds. Don't be a stranger...see you in the blogosphere!

  38. Judy said that she was near tears, will I have been crying since reading this post. I know dear friend that you have been through some really difficult things and you have been in my prayers often. I can relate somewhat to your health issue because my hubby goes through something similar. Funny thing is that a lot of it like you said is allergies to food. Who would have though hey! I am so happy that you are feeling so much better in this area. Praise God! You are such an amazing inspiration to so many and your work is outstanding. I sat and cried when I read that verse because it has been a constant reminder this past year to this family that God is in control and that if I let him pilot this plane called life, then everything is gonna be alright. Isn't it wornderful how the same verse can touch so many people. Just so you know, your post wasn't too long or sappy. This is a true reflection and journal of an amazing event that has taken place in your life and next year this time you can go back to this blog post and be reminded of your efforts and achievement and how good God is!
    If I were near I would give you a big hug because I am so proud of you. Big Congrats on the new endevour. May God continue to bless all that your hand finds to do.

  39. How lucky for all of us that the door that opened for you, benefits all your blog followers! Also very glad to hear you have some relief from the IBS, I know that that can make for a miserable time. The teacher in you will still have all of us! Good news all the way around! Happy for you! :)

  40. Oops! Just wanted to say that your painting is outstanding. I should have known that you could paint too. I love this sweet girl. The shading and highlighting on this is amazing. But than again it always is on all your cards too. Congrats again sweetie. Take care.

  41. SO so so happy for you Jill! You are amazingly talented and you sure deserve it! Good luck in your new designing adventures my friend.

  42. i couldn't be happier for you jill! you are so deserving of this happiness in your life and i wish you the best of luck. big hugs! :)

  43. Congrats Sweet Girl...so excited for u! Nobody deserves this more than you....fiery u have fine through some struggles...big hugs my talented friend xoxoxo....

  44. I am so happy for you. As someone who has spent the last 20+ years as a pre-school teacher, I understand! And you totally deserve this blessing. Your cards are so beautiful and INSPIRING! YAY for you!

  45. Wow--that's awesome, Jill!!! So happy for you--and yes, God is good! He's always faithful and He always has a plan. I actually plan on singing a song that's based on that verse...LOVE it!

    Many congrats on the new job! And glad to hear you're feeling better, too! :)

  46. I love you--MOM

  47. I <3 you so much, Jill! I'm so happy that your prayers have been answered. :) And that is my favorite scripture you have there! ;) HUGS!

  48. I am touched by this personal story. It was neither boring nor sappy, just heart warming! I am not nosy by any means but I some times enjoy reading a personal post even on creative/design blogs. It's a window into the artist's life. As for IBS, I am glad you are finding solutions. If I may suggest, please find a doctor who is into holistic health practice or even a certified Naturopath and I guarantee you there are many things that can be done to significantly reduce your symptoms naturally. I wish you the very best and keep inspiring me! I am going through some very stressful times right now and feel that God has forgotten me lately but your post is making me think that may be I need to surrender more than I have. Thanks for a great post, sorry for the long rant!

  49. It makes me so happy to read that you're happy, Jill. You deserve every bit of goodness that comes to you. CONGRATS!!!

  50. God is good and so are YOU! I'm so happy for you and your new job with Memento! I can hear the joy in your voice and things will only get better from here! Big hugs to you, sweet friend! You deserve this!

  51. Jillyjoy, what a beautiful post today . . . you are amazing! I am so truly honored and beyond excited about having you work and teach at my store! How did I get so lucky?? I only see hours and hours of shared time spent giggling and planning our futures! Can you feel my excitement? God isn't just good, He's AMAZING!!! So when you're done eating your bons-bons and watching your soaps today, get on in here and let's start working! LOL!!! Love you tons Jillyjoy!


  52. God is so Good :) Sometimes I don't think people realize how much courage it takes to go with God. Good for you Jill. Congratulations on your new job, You will be wonderful! So glad you're feeling better too.

  53. Congratulations! Glad you feel better and found your dream job. How cool is that? I am new to papercrafts and know your work through recent case study. Really admire your work. So glad for you.

  54. Congrats on being able to work in the stamping / crafting field!! That is so exciting!

  55. Congratulations! I am thrilled for you. That is the best news. Thanks for sharing.

  56. Oh jill, i am truly happy for the new blessing you have received! i am so inspired, you have no idea. I want to do something different with my life, the job I have now is NOT what I see myself happy with. It is a gateway to get to where I want to go! This message from you couldn't have come a better time! God knows what to do, and when to send a message! i hope for you, a long and happy life with this new blessing! i hope this blog will still be here, and you continue to share! i am truly excited for you, and the continued excitement you bring! God Bless!

  57. Thanks you for sharing your happiness with all of your Blogland friends. Your post has cheered and lifted me as I'm not in a good place right now. Thanks for reminding me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, big hugs to you my sweet and talented friend, Jo x

  58. Hi Jill! Thank you for sharin more about yourself! I am sorry to hear that your having such a hard time with IBS and am happy to read that you kept plugging along with life instead of it getting you down! :> I am so very happy for you and your new job! I can't imagine how much you are going to love it! I love seeing how much God has blessed you with Penny Black and Faber-Castell! And what a gorgeous painting, I thought you would be an artist!

  59. Thanks for sharing some of your story. I know when bloggers post personal stuff-personal good/bad-they always say "I hope you don't mind" to us but in reality-reading about that helps me feel more connected even more so if we share similar struggles. Im so happy to hear that you got your new gig! Shouldn't we all try to do something we love? I've followed your blog for a while but don't ever comment-I didn't realize that bloggers value our comments so much! Happy Friday and congrats!

  60. Yipee! Now I celebrate with you. I heard from Lisa that you would be full time at Mementos and am SO excited for you and for the rest of us "Yumans". Can't wait to see your fabulous talent get recognized. Hugs, Terre

  61. Congratulations, Jill!! I am so very happy for you, and Mementos is SO lucky to have you!!

  62. I am glad to hear you are feeling better and I do love reading your post although I seldom leave comments because I use the reader to read my blogs. I should leave comments more often as I know how important they are to us bloggers. I just started my blog last year and dont have may followers but I love each of them and every comment they leave is treasured. Keep up the good work, I love to see all your crafty projects. THat's a beautiful one today. hugs, amy k

  63. Congratulations on the new job. So pleased that you are feeling better. That is one of my favourite verses. My son was divorced last year (for no real reason) & feels lonely, but he clings onto this promise from God, & we pray that in time we will see it realised in his life.

  64. Congrats on the great news. I'm so glad things are looking up for you. I love all your projects and look forward to lots more. We never know what He has planned for us until they happen.

  65. hi Jill,

    I was so exited reading your blog.
    what a wonderful change in your life...
    i am so happy for you.you deserve it so much.you make such great cards, totally inspiring...it is good to hear that some bad situation can bring us to something better and beautiful.
    i know, when i came to the hero arts group, after one week you asked me being part of your "inspired by..."blog. i felt so happy, and i remember many of your cards had the butterfly on it..well the caterpillar has found his new life.
    wishing you lots of joy and luck for all the new steps and adventures in your life!!!hugs, franziska

  66. Congrats on your new job . . . may you have so much fun! And may your health get better and better. (I also have food allergies . . . no gluten or dairy)
    Thanks for all your inspiration!

  67. Oh, Jill...that was not TMI ~ I'm so happy that things have turned around for you in such a wonderful way! I LOVE your painting, although, it's no surprise, as you are so very talented!
    Good luck to you in your new role...I look forward to following your blog (and wherever you roam - LOL) for a long time to come! God Bless You...Barb

  68. Wonderful news, Jill. Doing something you love, and doing it oh, so well! Mementos is lucky to have you and so are we. Wishing you success and good health.

  69. Didn't know that you were going through all of that, but glad that your health is improving and that you are starting a new career. You are amazing. Your blog is my fav and your cards are so inspiring. Any company in the crafting industry would be lucky to have you working for them. I bought the Tim Holtz ruler after watching you use it and I have become interested in all of the Faber Castell markers and products that you demo. Thanks for all of the inspiration you give me!

  70. Hi, Jill! Congratulations on your wonderful career news! I don't comment often (in fact, this might be my first) but I am always in awe of your gorgeous cards. The word "wow" has been known to escape my lips as I've perused the blog sometimes. Wishing you success, happiness, good health, and fun. :)

    ~ Laura

  71. The best news is that you've found some relief. I wish you lots of everything wonderful (and very little stress) in the next portion of your journey.

  72. Jill, its a wonderful news that you are feeling better and have found the allergies. Sometimes the tiniest thing makes such a big difference. Congrats on your new adventure. Cant wait to see what you share.

  73. Jill, Never apologize about a gift from God. Sometimes we just have to keep on doing what we are doing UNTIL He tells us to do something else. That is what you are doing. You are so talented and this is where your ministry lies.
    God Bless

  74. So happy to hear about your bend in the road. I struggle with anxiety too, and creating and blogging have been such a healthy thing for me, to keep me focused (or distracted?!) and moving forward. Blessings to you as you do what you love! You are inspiring to so many.

    Dina - mamadinis

  75. Wow, you actually just made me cry! You are such an inspiration and I am so glad you are making a name and finding a place in the Memento world. You truly deserve it!

  76. I'm so happy for you. Glad your feeling better, and congrats on the new job. How exciting. I love peeking into your blog, you are so talented.

  77. Congratulations on the new job! I always admire your work and it is great to check in for fresh inspiration. Congratulations again.

  78. Amen! It's good to have prayers answered like that. Best wishes to you and thanks for always being so inspiring!

  79. Big congrats to you Jill! How truly fun and exciting to work in an environment that you're so passionate about!

  80. So happy for you Jill! I have only been following your blog for a little while but LOOVE your creativity and creations! I hope to see more beautiful cards in the future!

  81. Jeremiah 29:11 is actually one of my favorite scriptures.
    I'm so happy for you! I was a school teacher for 2 years before finding another job that was much less stressful and much more enjoyable!
    I remember the first time I found your blog... I loved it! I couldn't get enough of it! (still love it, still can't get enough of it!) I'm so glad you've been able to find full-time employment with this wonderful hobby :) You really are a spectacular artist!

  82. So grateful things have worked out for you!

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Bonnie said...
    Jill, I retired after 27 years of teaching. I knew there was stress but, didn't realize how much until I retired. You will be shocked at the peace you feel. Good luck and will look forward to updates.
    Just a warning, you will miss kids. Why are we surprised when God takes care of us?

  85. Congratulations! What exciting news--Mementos is very lucky to have you! God IS definitely good and there is no better feeling than when He answers our prayers!!! :)

    I've had some minor IBS issues that I started to realize in my case were directly related to my diet with certain greasy foods and it's definitely no fun. Anyway, just wanted to say as a stay-at-home Mom who is usually starved for adult conversation your blog means a lot to me as well. :)

  86. Great news; thank you for sharing your creative talents and your story. Wonderful...

  87. Awesome news Jill.. I wish your all the best for your new adventure.

  88. Well firstly, Mementos is extremely lucky to have you with them! I know that you'll be a fabulous addition :D
    IBS runs in my family (along with Crohn's disease) I understand how it can turn your life upside down and really get you down but I'm so happy that you are managing to to find some relief from the symptoms.
    Wishing you all the best for your new adventure...I'll be cheering from the sidlines!

  89. congrats on quitting your day job and getting something new. I think you will love it.

    sorry to hear about the other issue. my husband has struggled with IBS in the past. in fact when we first started dating the first time I cooked dinner for him he left the table mid meal to use the bathroom, lol!

  90. Oh Jill! I am so happy for you, what wonderful news! Bowel trouble can be so awful and to be on the mend and know what is causing it is a liberating experience. You are such a gifted artist and Memento is so very lucky to have you on board! Congrats! God truly is good and wants only the best for his children.

  91. Congrats on the awesome news!!! I'm so happy for you.

  92. Congratulations on your new, fun job and on your improved health! I'm so happy for you :)
    No, your post wasn't TMI...it's real life.
    Praises to the Lord for bringing you where you needed to be in your life!

  93. Congratulatiosn on your new job, sometimes you know when it is your time to leave and start afresh. I am pleased you have found something you love to do full time.

    Thank you for sharing your personal life with us, and I am extremely pleased for you that your health has improved.

    And i find that last sentence with regards to the Lord - so truthful. Well done.

  94. Congratulations on your new job!! or should i say your dream coming true!!! =)
    the painting is absolutely beautiful!! =)
    hugs, SannaS

  95. What a lovely post Jill. I'm so glad you're feeling better and that you're going to be able to work in the field you are truly inspiring in! A big congrats to you! ~lisa

  96. Congrats on the new job, Jill. It's sounds fab. I'm so glad that you are able to find relief as well!!! Going through any type of struggle can be so hard on us and our family, but physical distress is esp. hard. Isn't it amazing when a number of things come together at the same time and bring relief?! You also are amazing in remaining faithful and continuing to find joy in your circumstances (working on being a blessing to those children and to others through your card making). Through all of this I'm sure He grew your faith and the faith of others. Yes, He is so Good! Thanks for all you bless us with as well and for your story and testimony. I love your plaque! Have a blessed weekend.

  97. I've been following your blog for quite a while and I love your work. I'm so happy for you with your new job. I'm glad you have found some relief from your IBS problem. It looks like God is taking good care of you. May he continue to bless you.

  98. Oh Jill I had no idea that you struggled so much :( BUT as you said there is a good ending and I love good endings. Thanks for sharing your story and I am so thrilled that you are able to follow your passions and with this feel healthy and loved. It's a win win. I am sure the children you taught will always remember what a special teacher Miss Jill was and the impact of them you will probably feel forever. Congrats to you and happy day. Many Hugs, Kathy

  99. I forgot to tell you I love the painting. She's so beautiful. You should draw/paint more!! :)

  100. I'm afraid I've been reading our blog and not commenting as much as your beautiful cards deserve. So glad you are feeling better. Wishing you bountiful blessings in your new endeavor! You mentioned food allergies. Are you gluten intolerant? My daughter was diagnosed with Celiacs over a year ago. I'd be happy to share any information about products/stores if this is the case for you.

  101. Oh I so know how you feel. My story is very similar except that I don't have the level of creativity that you do. I do have lots of fun creating, however. You do amazing cards. I am so happy for you and and hope you enjoy your new beginning!!

  102. Of course I had no idea you were going through all of that. My goodness. God truly is good -- all the time. I am so happy to hear your news. You deserve happiness

  103. Oh Jill I am so glad you are feeling so much better now. Just know that you are not alone. I too suffer from anxiety and with that depression but also find my blog and creating a way to keep my mind off things. It is also helpful to read about other's experiences and to know that you arent alone. You are an inspiration to me and congratulations on your new venture! You have amazing talent and I know you will be so successful! Im so happy for you Jill! :)

  104. I'm sooo, so happy you are less stressed now and have found something that will ease the pain away for you......I know you were a wonderful teacher and your time with the kids is deeply appreciated by the parents, I can't tell you enough how much so....hope you will continue to say a little prayer for the special needs kids.

  105. Congrats Jill! I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful opportunity! And I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better too. You're so right, God is good!

  106. Hurray for you Jill! So happy for you! Wonderful news all around. And FYI, I too have had to tackle some very difficult "disorders" that I recently discovered had so much to do with food issues. I dramtically changed the way I eat and...voila!...SO much better! Enjoy your renewed vitality...and your awesome new job too!!!!

  107. Congrats Jill!! I am so very happy for you!

  108. That is SOOOO great, Jill! I am so happy for you - doing a little dance here and smiling! :D
    And working at Memento full time?! That is SO awesome!!!!

  109. Such happy news! Not just the new job at Mementos, but the improvement of your health. Have a marvelous fun time at your new job! ;D

  110. Jill, my eyes were filling up reading your poignant writing, but luckily with joy at your ability to not let the "crud" hold you back. I am very happy for all the good things that have come your way - all well and truly deserved, might I add. Wishing you lots of joy always as you embark on your full time occupation of "Artist".

  111. Jill I am so over the moon happy for you!! Huge congratulations, I'm so happy that things are getting better. xoxo

  112. Hi Jill, that's wonderful news, good luck in your fab new job. I'm an ex-IBS sufferer. When I had it real bad, I was in a stressful job which was the cause of my illness. What helped me cope - peppermint capsules(in UK, you can get then over the counter, not sure about US)! Doctor could not help, then I tried Peppermint caps and they cured me! For a few years I was never without some in my handbag. IBS cleared up when I left the job so you might find the same as well. Peppermint cordial and tea also helped. Good luck and hope this helps in your situation.

  113. Congratulations Jill, for following your passion and listening to your body! Wishing you all the best of luck in what you do best really, so basically, this should be easy and fun for you!

  114. Sounds like everything is falling into place for you. Big congrats!! Thank YOU for inpsiring us every day.

  115. I missed this post! Oh, I'm pleased for you! I taught HS for 34 years and couldn't imagine doing much else....except for a year or two of misery....but I think it's wonderful that you are able to work in what you LOVE! Congratulations!

  116. Congrats, Jill! So happy for you! Hugs.

  117. Congratulations, Jill! Your new job sounds like it will be wonderful and exciting.

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